
Be the first to see Tracy Rodriguez Photography’s latest Fairfield County, CT photo shoots.

Brookline, MA Yoga Photo Shoot {w/ Chakra Power Yoga Teacher Trainees}

When Nicole Burrill, owner of Chakra Power Yoga in Braintree, MA, told me she was going to run a 200-hour yoga teacher training at her studio, I was instantly jealous. I completed my teacher training in 2011 but had my schedule allowed, I would have signed up to take it again with her. Nicole and I have been friends since we first connected in a yoga class at Beacon Hill Athletic Clubs I don't even remember how long ago. {7 years, maybe? Nicole?} It was before either of us had take teacher training, before either of us even knew we wanted to really. We connected in the way two best friends do though, instantly and as if we had known each other always. I am so incredibly grateful that our paths crossed when they did, that we bonded so quickly and that I am able to call her my friend and my teacher. I am beyond words, teary-eyed excited that she put together this incredible training and that I was able to photograph this group of kick-asana {too cheesy?} instructors for mini sessions last month. And, even more exciting, you ask? Nicole is launching her second studio, Chakra Power Waltham, June 1st! So please go give her studios a like of facebook {Chakra Power Yoga Braintree + Chakra Power Yoga Waltham} and sign up for her newsletter so that you can learn all about her studio happenings. I hope to see you there!

If you're interested in booking a yoga photo shoot for yourself or your studio, please contact me today to schedule a session.

Dedham, MA Yoga Photo Shoot {Lizzie Baker}

I cannot even tell you how thrilled I was when one of my closest friends told me she was interested in Yoga Teacher Training and even more specifically at one of my other closest friends' yoga studios .... and what did I think? Um, yes!!!! Lizzie telling me she was interested was as exciting as when Nicole told me she was kicking off the program at Chakra Power Yoga! I have to say, I am openly jealous and now need to convince Nicole to hold a 500 hour so that I can attend. {Hint hint, wink, wink}

So, last Sunday, in the November cold, Lizzie and I shot around to get her some introductory photography and we had so much fun doing it. I absolutely loved her winter attire for this session, especially that comfy plaid scarf that is now on my Christmas list.

And, I'm excited to say that Nicole and I are planning a Spring date for yoga teacher trainee mini sessions with the inaugural Chakra Power Yoga 200 hour class!

Are you interested in setting up an individual yoga photo shoot or a day of mini sessions with your studio? Contact me to pick a date.

Braintree, MA Yoga Photo Shoot w/ Chakra Power Yoga & Nicole Burrill

This past week I went back to Chakra Power Yoga in Braintree to finish up shooting their yoga instructor profiles. I was so happy to see that Jaime and Bill brought their little baby Anabelle and Marika brought her 18-month old, Aria. The photos are just so stinkin cute! Here's one preview of Jaime with Anabelle! Swoon!


Braintree, MA Yoga Photo Shoot w/ Nicole Burrill & Chakra Power Yoga

Shoot Date: September, 2014

Location: Chakra Power Yoga, Braintree, MA

I could not be more excited for my good friend Nicole Burrill on the opening of her studio, Chakra Power Yoga. Formerly Jai Yoga, Nicole revamped the space - including these new beautiful french doors per my photographic request ;) - she bought new props and hired an incredible staff of teachers. Here's just one quick preview before we shot the individual teachers for her website. Take a look!