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Maternity Leave Update!

Hi friends! It's been a while so I thought I'd write a quick post to check in and let you all know how we've been doing.

My little baby Mateo is quickly approaching six months at the end of February and I can hardly believe it. We have been enjoying all of the newborn snuggling (although, I'm not allowed to call him that any more now that he's passed three months!) Having this time together has been truly amazing. Watching his development has been one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. And his little smiles and laughs and cuddles are so completely rewarding.

I have decided to extend my maternity break with him for the time being. Do continue to reach out as I have been keeping a list of those to reach back out to when I start shooting again. I will likely ease back in in the warmer weather. And of course, if you've already booked a wedding, have no fear, I will be there. I'm just not taking any more on for the time being. I promise to stay in touch here on my blog and on facebook and instagram when I have updates for you.

Lots of love,
